Tuesday, February 17, 2015

17 February 2015

Military operations are continuing in the Baghdadi area. Sources are reporting that security forces have been able to take control of large parts of the township, including government buildings and services within the town. But ISIL gunmen have succeeded in blowing up a number of these buildings, including the Police HQ and the water and electricity directorates. Public roads and a number of residences have also been mined and booby-trapped. ISIL is still in control of a number of the town's districts and has totally surrounded the town of Jubba that is held by security forces and tribal fighters. The Baghdadi chief of Police, Qassem al-Obaidi, is confirming that coalition warplanes have targeted and struck a number of positions around the town, killing more than 30 of the gunmen. The Anbar Command has confirmed that 26 members of the security forces and government employees in Baghdadi have been executed by ISIL.

In Hit, security forces have carried out operations in the southern sector of the township, where a number of positions were hit by coalition and Iraqi aircraft. 11 gunmen have been reported killed.

In Ramadi, an ISIL attack from the city's southern sector has been repelled by security forces supported by tribal fighters. ISIL forces have now been driven back several kilometers.

In Fallujah, the General Hospital has just announced that 4 residents have been killed and 11 wounded by the random mortar-fire exchanges between security forces on the city's perimeter and the ISIL gunmen holding the city.

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